Apakah Prabowo memahami makna GINI index dalam pernyataanya?
Friday, October 12, 2018
Dalam bukunya di https://dedewijaya.files.wordpress.c...adok-id-ok.pdf

Ini kata orang bule
Quick answer... this guy is a demagogue who is pretending that data means things that it does not.... or perhaps he doesn't necessarily know (or care) himself.
- The gini coefficient isn't anything like that hard-number. It's a function of income inequality. 0 gini means perfectly flat distribution. 1 gini means that 100% of the wealth is held by one person. .49 gini coudl mean any of a number of things about exactly how much is held by the top 1% versus the top 5% versus the top 0.1%
- The gini coefficient... depends a lot on what numbers you feed into it. That's going to depend on what kinds of questions you ask when you're doing your survey, and it's going to partially depend on how honest the answers are. There are different coefficients for income and wealth, and in part it depends on what exactly you're counting as "income" and "wealth".
Sebetulnya kalo kita lihat definisi GINI index di wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gini_coefficient
Kita melihat kalau Prabowo jelas ngaco.
Sebagai contoh
Kalau 20% orang kaya di indo penghasilannya sama semua dan menguasai 80% kekayaan kita dan sisanya dibagi rata dengan orang "miskin". GINI index kita .6, itu sudah lebih tinggi dari angka yang dikutip Wowo .49.
Nah, kalo toh betul 1% orang di indo menguasai kekayaan. Siapa itu? Pernah dengar keluarga Suharto? Salah satu anggotanya? Ya si Wowo.