Indonesian Art in the Twentieth and Early Twenty-First Century
Saturday, December 1, 2018

Untitled 2 (Beringin) by Wakidi
World as we see it is kind of different from each eyes whose see. A painting might be one of the oldest media to show the philosophy differ principally according to the painters subject and meaning which they reflect, transform and express it.[1] From reality within his spiritual world – simplify their deep head and feelings – as an individual interaction with the world.
The paintings in this collection from Art 1 New Museum show the development of Indonesian art in the twentieth and onto the twenty-first century.[2] The paintings are mostly represent a romanticized view of the Indonesian Landscape: colonial times, and also supported the notion of Mooi Indië. Mooi Indië ("Beautiful Indies") was likely have been used term for the romanticized idyllic landscapes portraying the Indies, inspired by the beauty of indie land, people and culture, and therefore paint with their highest sense of aesthetics. [3]
And other than that, Modern painting are also came into Indonesia was often considered to be introduced by Sindhudarsono Sudjojono who urged Indonesian painters to shy away from painting in the Mooi Indie genre and create artworks that expressed their own thoughts and feelings.

Pulang Bawa Kaju (Bringing Wood Home) by S. Sudjojono, 1968
According with Sudjojono's thought: during the early development of Indonesian art, some artist often painted the lives of common folk, with their own individual characteristic styles. And the exhibition shows two of the best are Affandi and Hendra Gunawan.

Boats at Kusamba by Affandi, 1981

Picking Lice by Hendra Gunawan
And the time after the fall of Soeharto in 1998, Amrus Natalsya and other painters in the era of end of 1980 artists whom are associated with Lekra (People's Cultural Agency) of the Communist Party were detained following the aborted coup d'etat of 1965 had been released from prison and became active again creating artworks express their thoughts and point of views of political and racial discrimination during that time with marked freedom in their artworks as you can see it in Armus Natalsya painting.

Menyerbu Alengka by Armus Natalsya
Near to today in the 21st century Indonesia seems has increased and managed great economic development. For modern artist and art collectors were developed more sophisticated, formalistic tastes, one of catches my eyes is a painting by Srihardi Soedarsono.

Jiwa Samudra by Srihadi Soedarsono, 1987
And for above all, I met this the most beautiful woman in such an exotic feels of beautiful Javanese woman wears kebaya. In a steady posture and gesture, the sense of power and self-control. This beauty is made by Basoeki Abdullah his characterized as realism.

Lady in Kebaya by Basoeki Abdullah
Picture is talking thousand words, speaking of creating a vision. Painting are one of example of human experiment of their eyes to the mind through their body into a media. Kind of elegance of experiment which evokes legitimate admiration, affords us intellectual and aesthetic pleasure. A meaningful expression without words. When truth can be seen in each of who sees it with different point of view followed by the same feeling of artist's visions.
Indonesian Art in the Twentieth and Early Twenty-First Century
Jl. Rajawali Selatan Raya No 3
Jakarta 10720 Indonesia
Wakidi , Affandi , Jeihan , Koempoel , S. Soedjono , Chris Suharso , Suparto , Putu Ngurah Wardhana , Abdullah , Srihadi , Fajar Sidik , But Mochtar , G. Sidharta , Nashar , Rusli , Bagong Kusudiarja , G. Sidharta Soegijo , Hendra Gunawan
Posted onFebruary 23, 2017CategoriesArtworks, PlacesTagsaffandi, armus natalsya, Artwork, basoeki abdullah, Exhibiton, hendra gunawan, Indonesia, indonesian art, jakarta, landscape painting, mooi indie, Museum, paintings, Photography, realism, srihardi soedarono, sudjojono, wakidiLeave a commenton Indonesian Art in the Twentieth and Early Twenty-First CenturyEdit
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